The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 96: Destruction 11

Music: Voyage To Tomorrow (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

Chapter 96: Destruction 11

Another Destruction update, joy.

Juro. Kurabe.

Let’s just jump right in.

Well, except… we can’t, actually! Tomi’s on Brain Overload, so we can’t fulfill the bonus objectives. Time to do some offscreen fighting to free her up!

I pick Wave 2-5 because we don’t have an S there yet.

And we get it this time.

Time for some upgrading. Iori upgrades her Shield Emitter from +4 to +8, increasing its lock-on distance and area of effect, and her Sentry Gun from +6 to +8, increasing its power and lock-on distance.

Ryoko upgrades her Shield Emitter from +4 to +8.

I also upgrade Ryoko’s Generator from +0 to +3, leaving us with no Meta-Chips to upgrade anything else.

This should be an acceptable team. Let’s go.

Music: (PHENYLALANINE) (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

Sometimes that’s all it takes, huh…? Just give us some magnets and levers to mess with, and we’re happy.
Huh. Did you forget, Nenji-kun? That was where you proposed to me.


I what?
Yeah. Said you’d protect me forever.
Oh, back in 2nd grade? He said that to me too!

Well, Casanova… Exactly how many girls have you proposed to?


Wh—hey, I didn’t mean it like that! Look, it was second grade—I didn’t know shit! I just wanted to be a hero! Protect everybody…!
Deimos signatures! They’re coming!
…Perfect. Now I get to prove it.

Aww. :3: Nenji is probably the best character in this game. In a dead heat with Natsuno, if nothing else.

Video: Destruction Wave 3-1

This one wasn’t much to write home about.

I feel bad for saying it, but… it’s kinda hard to focus on being sad when I’m this hungry…

If I could have anything, well… I was hoping I could enjoy hemborger again someday.

Sounds good. Am I still invited to this?
Of course…
…Guess I’d better stay alive, then. Wouldn’t want to miss it.

No damage taken, all right.

Nenji’s Now I’m Mad increases his attack when his HP decreases. I note that it doesn’t say “as HP decreases”, it says “when.” No idea if that’s significant.

Ryoko’s Don’t Underestimate Me slightly recovers her EP when she is attacked.

For Wave 3-2 we need—oh goddammit, Ryoko and Gouto?

Time to play another old one.

Hijiyama’s Pride of Japan increases his defense when his HP decreases.

Yuki’s Too Slow, Buddy! increases the power of her Back Attacks against attacking kaiju. I assume this just means enemies who are in the middle of launching an attack, because it’s phrased a bit confusingly.

All right, back to the front.

We’re going to buy a bunch of Meta-System Upgrades. We’re going to increase our Meta-Skill uses from 2 to the maximum of 4, and we’re also going to buy Power Boost (doubles Attack of Sentinels and Support armaments in range for 15 seconds), Durability Boost (halves damage to Sentinels and support armaments for 30 seconds), and Instant Team Cooldown (immediately allows all allies to take action).

We’re going to upgrade Gouto’s Interceptors from +5 to +8, Flare Torpedo from +0 to +5 and his Shield Matrix from +3 to +5.

We’re also going to upgrade Shu’s Interceptors from +5 to +8.

Upgrade Gouto’s Generator to +2 and Megumi’s to +3.

And upgrade Megumi’s Interceptors from +5 to +6.

Let’s go.

Music: (PHENYLALANINE) (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

I know we can! I won’t give up… I’ll find a way…

…And I’m not about to let you take the lead.
I won’t lose, either. I’m not scared of them!

Video: Destruction Wave 3-2

This one, on the other hand, was pretty nasty.

No… Just tired, that’s all…

Wait, what?

I fail to see how that’s relevant, Sekigahara… …Yes. For about half a year during middle school. We split before we graduated.
But why…?
I don’t remember…

What a surprise that is.

It was her idea. And so was the breakup, though I couldn’t tell you the reason.
My guess is you were the reason. The point is, stop bothering Ryoko-san.

Natsuno’s Gotta Stay Positive! gives her a bigger stat increase the more kaiju there are.

Unfortunately, we did not manage to get the S-rank.

Let’s do one more.

I upgrade Ei’s Limiter Removal from +5 to +8 and his Anti-Air Defensive Flares from +3 to +8. Now we’ll get a lot more flares when we use the latter move.

I increase Iori’s Generator to +2.

I then buy her the Plasma Arc Fusion Cutter, swap it in for the Guardian, and upgrade it to +5, increasing its POW and decreasing its WT.

Once more.

Music: (PHENYLALANINE) (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

Oops. Wonder whose fault that is.

What…? Oh no…
We’re lucky to be alive ourselves…
I see… You’re right. Anything could happen… Ei-kun, when this fight’s over… Let’s go somewhere, okay? Just the two of us? We can go on your motorcycle, take a beach trip, or… or anything you want. Even if we get reborn as totally different people… I’d still find you again, Ei-kun. So…

Video: Destruction Wave 3-3

Again, this one’s not too bad.

But I guess it goes to show. If we think tactically with Guardians and EMPs, we’ll gain more ground than just by attacking.

Oops, still calling him “Izumi”, I see.

…Good point, Shinonome-senpai. We need all the offense we can muster, so we can’t waste it shooting down missiles. Okay… We can’t afford to lose this…

Iori’s the first to unlock her final pilot skill, in this case Lend Me Strength. It increases her WT recover speed when she summons weaponry.

That’s a lot of Mystery Points.

Let’s spend them.

We still have 14 Mystery Points and nothing left to spend them on. We’ll see what else we can do with them eventually. But for now, that’s all for this one.